*where Lolita is the diminutive form of Lola, itself a diminutive form of Dolores. Dolores = suffering.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

beautiful, dirty, rich

A friend of mine makes booty calls.
I thought those only existed in Destiny's Child's songs, not in real life.
So what does a booty call entail? Well, if it's after 11 and you text someone saying: hey what are you doing, you are apparently engaging in the sort of discourse that might result in you fornicating some time in the near future, i.e. as long as it takes for either of you to get to wherever you're gonna get it on.
WOW. Man, all my Cypriot conservatism is kicking in and I can tell you I ain't conservative.
Cool, I guess, to be fair, I've had the experience of booty calls but it's always been with an ex which might make it worse or better. Worse because you get caught up in the entire: oh I love him all over again trip, which is bad as you realize on the way back home that that relationship was SOO 2008. Better because he knows everything about you you know everything about him you can get on with it climx guaranteed he's hot he thinks you are too what else do you need?
The disturbing thing, though, is that, even when writing this, I don't feel excited. I told my friends I've lost my mojo. No one believes me though (my past might have something to do with it) but it's true guys COME ON I CAN'T THINK OF SEX ANYMORE.
What the fuck is wrong with me, even my mother said 'she was worried'. MY OWN MOTHER who always lived by the mantra: 'Just be on your own for a while' 'take a break from boyfriends' she now is suddenly worried that I will remain a bitter bitter bitter singleton.
She might be onto something.
And then, when I had lost ALL hope, when I thought the mojo was nowhere to be found...
I went to Soultree. On a Monday. With friends. For a friend's birthday.
And my GOD I didn't even recognize myself the way I went ballistic dancing like a manic stripper in the club (minus the stripping). That made me think that I might have a bit of bottled up energy that needs an outlet.
I think some people call it sexual frustration? This is the reason I'm hyper all the time, even when I'm ill and tired.
How to cure it. A skype conversation ended in the following conclusion: it's called SEX kori.
I said: well man, I can't see anyone at the moment that would 'do' it for me; in the sense that I want someone that mega turns me on. Am I not right in demanding this of life? I mean come on, just because I've got a bit of an itch doesn't mean I'ma go to bed with a complete idiot or a complete fuckup. And the waiting is good. I kinda enjoy it - not being involved in anything just taking a break. I have stated that the doors to this haven will be shut until the summer, or until further notice (aka prince charming) because I'm done with toying around and being toyed around with.
Sex with no strings attached is a great concept, but it's never that great.
So I'm just gonna resort to crazy sexy bitch dancing for the moment. tah.


  1. Yeah,you do that.

  2. You are not trying to figure out what I meant by that are you?

  3. no it wasn't that hard to figure out

  4. Well, what did I mean then?

    Be honest and I will be honest in saying what I meant by that.


  5. well you're being completely sarcastic about the whole sex/dance thing. also who are you agrypnia

  6. See I knew you would misunderstand me from the minute I wrote that first comment. And because I hate it when people misunderstand me I didn't want to leave that one like that.

    I wasn't being sarcastic at all.What I meant was yeah,you do that because there is nothing more cleansing than dance. It drains away all your worries and stress and leaves you lighter and younger. And besides, anything that reminds you that you have a body and you are not just a floating head is a natural high and definitely worth it.

    Oh,I'm just a guy who lives his life and blogs from time to time.

    I like your blog.It feels vibrant.

  7. 1)sex with no strings attached: great concept AND practice, as long as you don't lose the balance -and the sex is good..
    2)crazy sexy bitch dancing: katalavaino APOLITA ti ennoeis! to kalokairi oi files mou me douleyane oti xoreya san na pairno meros se diagonismo "mporeite na kounisete OLA ta meli tou somatos sas taytoxrona?" it's great fun!
    3)eisai koukla, eksipni kai endiaferousa: you ARE right in demanding this of life -or yourself. you make the calls. enjoy the single period, it 's GREAT :-)

  8. tora to ida afto! exeis apolito dikeooo it is great... oso yia ton xoro... hahahaha ti teleies oi files sou! nomizo ki oi dikes mou to idio tha lene yia mena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
